Sunday, April 29, 2012

Catching UP!!

November 2010!! That was my first and only post so far. Not much of a blogger obviously. I read other blogs, but I don't take the time to write on mine. I'm going to try and do better. There has been a lot of running going on since November 2010. I'll try to catch things up and document things here. If nothing else it will give me the chance to recap for myself what I've accomplished since I started running. My first and only post before this one mentioned that I had run two 5K's since finishing my Couch to 5K program and before I was scheduled to run the St Jude's 5k in December 2010.

My very first race was the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure in September 2010. My goal was to finish without walking. I did it! I was extremely happy with that. I know I'll never be the fastest guy on the course. But my time for that first race was 32:19! Not bad for a 58 year old first time least IMHO. The other 5K was a race sponsored by the area Boys&Girls Club. That went okay, but I wasn't expecting a one mile section that was essentially a trail least in my mind. Totally unprepared for that!! My time was...35:48.  Not nearly as good as race #1, but again...that trail part nailed me.  Well, I'll continue catching things up over the next few days...hopefully. St Jude's report is next...Stay tuned.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Not sure what I'm doing...

...starting a blog.  One of my daughters has a very active blog.  It's how I keep up with my first Grandgirl.  She does a really great job with her blog, so I'm a little intimidated.  BUT...why not?  Everyone else is doing it.  That's what you read.  Everybody has a blog.  Blog this, blog that.  Blog, blog, blog.'s my blog. 

Dad Running?  Why Dad Running.  Well, 'cause Running Dad wasn't available.  Not being the creative type, I figured, well, turn it around and see if it's available in reverse.  Lo and behold it was. 

So I guess it's time to explain what Dad Running is all about.  More than likely my ramblings will be centered around my efforts to be a runner.  Last December our entire family headed to Memphis to support our youngest daughter and two son in laws in their trek to run in the St. Jude's Half-Marathon.  It was in the mid to high 20's the morning they ran.  It was cold!!  But watching my daughter finish 13.1 miles of running truly inspired me.  I figured, heck, if she can do this why can't I??  I'm only 57 years old.  That's not old.  Everybody starts somewhere.  Well, I mulled that thought over until June of this year and then for some strange reason I decided it was time to put up or shut up.  So I started walking.  Now mind you, I picked the hottest year EVER to start this.  I walked for a couple of weeks just to get in the habit of doing something.  You see, I've NEVER liked to exercise.  Hated it in school.  Hated it out of school.  Hated it period.  I mean what was the point of exercise???  You just poured sweat and felt bad afterwards. 

The first week of July 2010 this 57 year old exercise hater started the Couch to 5k program.  My youngest running daughter had told me about it and encouraged me to try it. I am three weeks out from the St. Jude's weekend and I'm signed up and scheduled to run the 5k that weekend in Memphis.  My daughter is running the half-marathon again.  I've actually run two 5k's after "graduating" from the C25K program.  I'll talk about those experiences later.  I've got to tell you though...this has been a transforming experience for me, so far.  I turned 58 in August before graduating from the program.  That's still not old!! 

I'm convinced that I'm becoming a runner.  Who'd a thunk it???  I sure wouldn't have and didn't about this time last year.  I haven't really put my finger on it, but this running stuff is kinda addictive.  I actually look forward to it.  Maybe it's because for the first time in a very long time I set my sights on a goal and I actually followed through and accomplished the objective.  I'm pretty proud of myself.  Now I'm looking at extending my distance to probably a 10k next year then who knows...maybe I'll tackle a half-marathon one day.  But don't hold me to that just yet.  10k sounds pretty attainable right now. 

I don't know how often I'll be posting, but thanks for stopping by.  And, get running...